mercredi 30 mars 2011

30 mars 2011 - Dot Legacy + Paperplane pilots + Streetfight Silence @ Miroiterie

Very interesting and refreshing gig in La Miroiterie with Dot Legacy, Streetflight Silence and Paperplane Pilots

Paperplane Pilots was the band to open the night, while sitting outside drinking beer and eating a ham sandwich I could hear them doing the sound check though the walls of the venue and I thought ok that sound quite good, but I’m sorry to say it didn’t rock my world too much.

They did have some good songs but something felt a little flat or maybe I’m just becoming more hard to please in my old age.

Streetfight Silence is an indie pop rock trio from U.K who describe themselves as (not what people expect of a band in skinny jeans ). I did not listen to this band before that night and had never heard of them, but I have to say it was quite good, very catchy songs and a band you can see maybe getting somewhere. These three are quite young and seem very motivated and seem to give every bit of what they have to their songs. The strong point of the band is the singer and guitar player, he has a great voice quite powerful and very easily grabs attention. It’s nice to see young guys like this full of intension and freedom in the way they play. Afterwards I went to see if I could buy an album or demo but unfortunately they only had a disc with one song which I did not buy as I’m too lazy to get up of the sofa while listening to music to change a cd after one song so they lost a sale.

Dot Legacy : kicked the ass off both these bands, sorry Streetflight Silence & Paperplane Pilots but true !

This for me was one of the most refreshing gig I have seen in a long time.

The drummer is a mini version of Slash from Guns & Roses, banging away on the drums with his mini afro, one guitar player is like some wild haired Irish cave man and the singer has a funky mini afro too! But this band has even more to offer besides cool haircuts. I really loved their set of funk, blues and 70’s Psychedelic style with a piece of Beastie Boys thrown into the mix ! It’s quite impressive to see young guys like this who get what it’s all about. You can see in their music they have a lot of influences but they have their own personal way of creating their songs and you can feel they put a lot of thought into it. I would recommend this band a must be seen.

Dot Legacy cool band, great music, no bullshit and funky haircuts !

vendredi 11 mars 2011

Peter Hook plays Joy Division @ Trabendo

I have to start by saying directly the gig last night of Peter Hook bass player from Joy Division was the gig of the year for me ! I have always loved with a passion the songs and lyrics of Ian Curtis first of all, the next thing of love about Joy Division is the sounds and lines of the bass, very special ! I am a total slave to this kind of intensity in music and for me only a few bands and singers move me like that and Joy Division and the voice of Ian Curtis is one of them.

After listening to every song every recorded, seeing the movie "Control", reading about his life and watching every documentary possible I could find I feel I have absorbed every inch of Joy Division I could get on my hands and ears on, all that was left was to see this in live but completely impossible I thought until I discovered Peter Hook was doing a tour of the record Unknown Pleasures ! I had to be there! To which I can say  I was not disappointed even though Ian Curtis was not the singer. Peter Hook has a great voice and sang the songs was great passion and soul in his own personal way but they still held the intensity in which they were wrote and expressed by Ian Curtis. The sound was amazing, the drummer was amazing, the guitar playing was amazing nothing was out of place! I really liked there style of head down and honest playing no bullshit !

Peter hook had a great stage presence and it was unreal to hear these songs in 2011 that were written in the late 70’s they are totally ageless its almost like these tracks were 20 or 30 years ahead of the time that they were created, and for me Ian Curtis is one of the greatest writers ever with total dept when you hear the lyrics you feel like you know him and can understand how he felt. I completely loved the whole set but I have to say my favorite Joy Division song is New Dawns Fades because of the lyrics and the emotion in Ian Curtis voice so I can say when I heard Peter Hook singing it, it was the only song I missed the voice of Ian Curtis. In all that said everything about Joy Division is in perfect balance for my taste in music ! I could keep writing but I better stop here or ill take up to much space

jeudi 10 mars 2011

Alaska Pipeline, Do You Compute, Chaos E.T Sexual @ Rigoletto

Ca faisait un bout de temps qu'on avait pas remis les pieds au Rigoletto, probablement poussés par une envie d'hygiène de vie plus saine, incompatible avec les prix des consos pratiqués par Falko.
Soir de débauche donc hier, ça fait plaisir de voir tous les copains et de trinquer à la santé des bonnes nouvelles et de celles qu'on souhaite meilleures. 
Chaos ET Sexual ouvre la soirée, genre de doom à un accord sur des beats triphop. Il manque un rappeur vénér au chant pour que ça le fasse. Comme il est pas là ce chanteur je lâche au bout de 4 titres.

Do You Compute s'installe rapidement (non je déconne), les gars sont concentrés, prêts à en découdre avec le public venu pour ce premier concert organisé par Crashstaz qui officie également chez NextClues.

Leur setlist est bonne, pas de temps mort, DYC est en forme. J'apprécie les nouvelles enceintes de la sono du Rigoletto, on entend enfin les voix, cool.
Le groupe a gagné en précision, et j'aime vraiment le morceau "The Final Point", que DYC m'avait demandé d'enregistrer et mixer pour une compil allemande à paraître prochainement. Le concert finit par "Rad Party", dont les paroles sont issues du fanzine du même nom et qui résonnent particulièrement dans ma tête. Allez donc faire un tour sur le blog de Steph, , il y a du bon en ce moment.

Alaska Pipeline s'installe, le groupe tête d'affiche vient de Rouen, j'aime beaucoup leur album paru en 2010, Master Of Puppets.

Les gars sont humbles et jouent redoutablement bien. Le trio pratique un indie rock qui me rappelle Ted Leo, Fall of Troy et Medications réunis. La voix est chouette, et se marie super bien avec les plans de guitare. 

Le batteur fou de rigueur sort des plans qui remuent le cerveau, ça chauffe tout le long du set qui finit trop tôt. La basse est discrète et intelligente, met en valeur les 2 autres excités. Ne les loupez pas sur leur prochaine tournée, prévue pour octobre.
Ce soir c'est Peter Hook et Frustration au Trabendo, je suis bien vaseux et de noir vêtu, ça colle.

mercredi 9 mars 2011

Twin Pricks, Alone with King Kong, General Bye Bye @ Espace B

We hadn’t been to a small cozy gig in a while so when we heard Twin Pricks were coming to town to play at Espace B there was no question, it had to be seen in live.

To open the night was a solo acoustic guy called Alone with King Kong

Which was a very nice surprise he just banged out the songs in a carefree way with excellent lyrics that you find yourself identifying with little stories of life.
There was a very nice feeling in the room from the mood created from his intimate solo tunes.  It’s always nice to discover something unexpected.

 Nous avions joué l’année dernière, avec Reipas, à l’Emile Vache, chouette petite salle de Metz, dans laquelle Florian programmait quantité de bons groupes et Geo assurait la partie technique.

Ils nous avaient fait écouter les premiers enregistrements de leur nouveau projet musical, Twin Pricks, et j’avais immédiatement trouvé ça bien foutu et accrocheur, impatient de les voir en live

Les premières impressions furent confirmées, le groupe joue ce soir dans la formule à 4 avec une section basse batterie issue de la scène noise qui pousse derrière. Le son est parfait, les guitares ressortent bien, on est dedans dès le premier titre.

Le point fort de Twin Pricks c’est le chant, assuré par Flo & Geo, j’aime bien la façon qu’ils ont de le placer, à la manière de REM, Samiam ou encore Aslan (là c’est moins évident, mais c’est juste pour faire un clin d’œil irlandais).

Twin Pricks maîtrise, je vous recommande une visite sur leur site,,  ainsi que leur ep « songs about flirting » dispo sur

Maintenant j’attends l’album live, (« Dogpile » ?)

...pas de report de General Bye Bye que nous n'avons pas pu voir....une prochaine fois peut être